10 Things You Should Know Before Buying C60

10 Things You Should Know Before Buying C60

If you appreciate science, you're probably aware that carbon is found in practically all organic and inorganic things. It also plays a significant role in our daily lives. Carbon is a component of our foods and is required for essential functions including metabolism and respiration.

 However, just when you thought you knew everything about the science of simple elements like carbon, there was a remarkable discovery of a powerful antioxidant called Carbon 60.  In this post, we will look at this incredible carbon molecule, its benefits, and what you should know to guarantee you are buying C60 from a reputable company. 

Carbon 60 Comes To Light

If you haven’t heard of Carbon 60, you're certainly not alone. The discovery of this complex carbon molecule in the mid-1980s by a team of scientists took the science world by surprise and earned them the Nobel Prize for it.

The Carbon 60 (C60) molecule has a unique structure consisting of 60 carbon atoms linked together. This molecule resembles something that looks like a hollow soccer ball and is known as buckminsterfullerene, commonly referred to as the “buckyball” due to its shape, which was named after Buckminster Fuller. Richard Buckminster Fuller, an architect and futurist, saw this shape before it was discovered and is credited with its association with the Carbon 60 molecule. 

Super Antioxidant —  Carbon 60

Carbon 60 is considered  to be a potent antioxidant and is sometimes referred to as a “free radical sponge.”Research has demonstrated that C60’s antioxidant capacity is several hundred times greater compared to standard antioxidants.1 What an amazing reason to explore more about how C60 may support your health.

Since oxidative stress can be harmful to the body, affecting all cells, C60 may help clean up the damaging free radicals by neutralizing them, thereby providing a cellular environment that supports the body to heal itself. You may easily imagine C60 working like a large broom, sweeping away the unwanted debris and remnants that cause your body to age.

The importance of maintaining our cellular health is vital since every cell requires energy, and we want to ensure that oxidative stress is halted before any damage occurs.  As you may recall from your science classes in elementary school, cells get energy from a molecule known as adenosine triphosphate or as you may remember it best — ATP. The mitochondria is where the cell's ATP is made and is the cell's energy hub and C60 may help to support this function!  

Research continues to unfold other benefits that Carbon 60 may help to support optimal health such as supporting a balanced immune response.2 It may also play a role in modulating allergy-related conditions.3

Keep in mind that one of the most important things you should do before purchasing a Carbon 60 supplement is conduct your own research and learn more about the company that produces it. Look for transparency in how they share ingredient information with their customers. Are they willing to provide you with third-party testing information, ingredient sourcing information, and any other product information you may require, such as a certificate of analysis? But there's more, so let's look at some other essential areas to look out for when you’re ‘shopping around.' 

Be Informed: 10 Things to Consider When Buying C60

  1. Be aware of “special” names and marketing gimmicks. It is important to note that there is only one C60 molecule provided by nature. So despite what marketing campaigns companies try to sell you regarding overinflated promises of features and benefits, like saying their C60 is “supercharged” — know that is not true! 
  1. Choose only 99.99%, pure, sublimated C60. What distinguishes some C60 manufacturing processes from others is the method to purify the C60. Not all companies use high-quality C60 purification processes. In fact, the majority of corporations use the "vacuum oven-baked" process, which employs dangerous solvents like toluene, also known as methylbenzene – yikes!

    This is key:

    • Look for sublimated C60 instead. Though it may be a bit more costly, sublimation produces a significantly cleaner result since it does not use solvents in the purifying process.
    • Only purchase 99.99% pure C60 because it is the highest grade C60 available.
    • Read carefully and be aware of any company that touts that their C60 is 99.9%, or 99.95%, since that is regarded as a lower-grade C60 that has not been fully purified, meaning that there is a good chance that solvents are still in the C60. 
  1. Choose organic products. We know that your health is a top priority for you and your family and it is for us too. So, use 99.99% pure, sublimated C60 manufactured from organic oil rather than an oil containing glyphosate or other harmful compounds.
  1. Third-party verification and testing is a must. This is simple. If a company claims something – then they should be transparent and share that product information with you. Look for third-party testing and ask to see the results of testing on your C60 product. If they state that they cannot provide this, then you should consider purchasing from a credible source.
  1. Say NO to seed oils. Not all oils are created equal! A quick rule of thumb is to look for oils such as organic extra virgin olive oil, organic coconut oil, and organic avocado oil which may associated with health benefits. Avoid oils including sunflower, soy, vegetable, canola, sesame, and even blends of olive oil which are mixed with canola oil. Also, be certain to steer clear of C60 oils that contain sunflower oil.
  1. Look for FDA compliance and cGMP manufacturing standards. This should be visible on the website and packaging. If it’s not, this is a warning sign that you may not be purchasing from a reputable company.
  1. Do your own research. We believe that you should always conduct your own research, trust your gut, and keep researching and asking questions.
  1. Ask your healthcare provider.It is important to speak with your healthcare provider about any questions you may have about C60 supplements and how they can benefit your health. It is also critical to check with the company from which you wish to purchase C60 that it has credible scientifically supported information and references on their website that you can share with your healthcare professional. If you do not see any credible information or the company is unwilling to share any studies or reference materials with you, then you may want to look elsewhere.
  1. Trust Your Gut. Your intuition and ability to research can arm you with the knowledge to be able to stay clear of fraudulent products. Tapping into how you feel and honoring those internal cues are instrumental in making some sound decisions. Remember, when in doubt – just go without.
  1. Company information. Check out the history of the company and the backgrounds of the members of the team and board. It's a red flag to move on if you can't find out who owns the company or who's funding it. 

Stay Connected

If you are interested in starting a Carbon 60 supplement or any supplement, always check with your health care provider (HCP). Feel free to share information on our page with your HCP and know that we proudly serve our customers with our C60 products which are made with 99.99% pure, sublimated Carbon 60 which are never exposed to solvents.

And a good to know — all of C60 Power’s products are also third-party tested for purity, quality, concentration, and bioavailability. If you have any product-related questions, we encourage you to give our awesome customer service team a call.

 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.  

Ken Swartz, MS is the founder and chairman of C60 Power, a health and wellness company committed to delivering the highest quality Carbon 60 products available. Ken earned a Master of Science degree from the University of Colorado at Denver and a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Arizona State University.


  1. Liu, Qihai et al. “The applications of buckminsterfullerene C60 and derivatives in orthopaedic research.” Connective tissue research 55,2 (2014): 71-9. doi:10.3109/03008207.2013.877894.
  1. Liu, Ying et al. “Immunostimulatory properties and enhanced TNF- alpha mediated cellular immunity for tumor therapy by C60(OH)20 nanoparticles.” Nanotechnology 20,41 (2009): 415102. doi:10.1088/0957-4484/20/41/415102.
  1. Ryan, John J., et al. “Fullerene Nanomaterials Inhibit the Allergic Response.” The Journal of Immunology, vol. 179, no. 1, 1 July 2007, pp. 665–672, https://doi.org/10.4049/jimmunol.179.1.665. Accessed 4 Jan. 2023.